Home Insider Insider News Myanmar International Manufacturing Industry Fair

Myanmar International Manufacturing Industry Fair

To inspire Myanmar promising processing and manufacturing industry, Myanmar International Manufacturing Industry Fair was held from November 1 to 4 at Yangon Convention Center (YCC). This fair was held with four sections; Myanmar international plastic, rubber, printing & packaging industrial exhibition, Myanmar international agriculture and food industrial exhibition, Myanmar international wood processing machines, cutting tools and hand tools fair and Myanmar international machine tool and automation exhibition.

The event was organized by Yorkers Trade & Marketing Services together with Myanmar Plastic Industries A s s o c i a t i o n ( M P I A ) , o f f i c i a l l y supported by the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce & Industry (U.M.F.C.C.I.), Myanmar Forest Products Merchants Federation (MFPMF), Myanmar Printers & Publishers Association (MPPA) and Myanmar Pulp and Paper Industry Association (MPPIA).

The show brought over 180 brands globally across manufacturing industries with latest technology with the biggest growth in the country and made closer to new markets and provided Myanmar international real business opportunities. As the demand rises for plastic products and packaging solutions, many manufactures are looking to get into the Myanmar market