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Audacity of Hope
If we are strictly following the 2008 constitution, an interim government has to be formed before the elections can take place. And the emergency...
EV Bus Services in Yangon
Yangon is going EV all the way. EV private vehicle boom has been encouraged by the government through the abolition of import taxes on...
Details on 2020 Election Fraud on Website and App
Interested parties across the world can read the final findings in the investigation of “voting fraud and unlawful acts”, of 2020 general election on...
The New Media Council
New members of the Myanmar Press Council were announced on November 21 as follows:
1. Dr Tin Htun Oo ...
Getting Fed Up with Electrical Supply – MI Finds the Answers
An Interview with an insider from Myanmar Electrical Supply Enterprise, who obviously wishes to remain anonymous. He has been with the Ministry since he...
Insider Articles
The Weather Outside is Frightful…… The Fire Inside is Dreadful!
Climate change is going to hit us hard. The evidences are rolling in and the world population is grossly unprepared.
Snowing in Hawaii and Nothing...
Politicians or Leaders be
I recently watched the movie about ‘Zhu Enlai’ on a China Southern flight and I could help but admire the film documenting his visit...
Who is to Clean up the Mess of Street Hawkers
If you ask 100 people on in Yangon about the lack of cleanliness in the capital city, I bet 100% of them would say...
A Friend Not in Need of Water
Due to typhoon Yagi in the South China Sea and a small storm in the Bay of Bengal, continuous rainfall and flooding have caused...
What will Myanmar be Like in 10 years
If you are asked to state one unique profession within Myanmar, fortune tellers might come into your mind. People here consult them whenever fortunes...
Revenge of the States
Just like in Star Wars Episode 3, Revenge of the Sith, where Anakin Skywalker has turned to the dark side, US lawmakers have moved...