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Coca-Cola Launched ‘Tan Bo Shi Tal’ Campaign

Through ‘Tan Bo Shi Tal’, which literally means ‘it has value’ and colloquially ‘it’s worth it’ in Myanmar, Coca-Cola aims to raise awareness of the importance and value of recycling and encourage people across the country to participate. The campaign highlights the importance of bottle and can segregation at all levels, from home to retail, and while onthe-go. The campaign will come to life through consumer and public awareness initiatives, and on-ground activities, such as recycling bin installations and other activations.

The promise of ‘Tan Bo Shi Tal’ is meant to be a banner that any Myanmar organization – public or private -can use to raise awareness on the value of plastic bottles and aluminum cans, and why it’s worth it to take the extra time to recycle. “At the foundation of the ‘Tan Bo Shi Tal’ campaign is the belief that recyclable materials should be used and reused to have more than one life and to provide ongoing value beyond their initial use. All of Coca-Cola’s beverage packaging in Myanmar is 100 percent recyclable, supporting this fundamental campaign value. ‘Tan Bo Shi Tal’ activities will expand over time, beginning with the core focus on raising awareness that taking time to recycle is worth it, because simple actions such as segregating your waste and not littering means doing something good for ourselves, others and Myanmar,” said Rehan Khan, General Manager, Coca-Cola Myanmar. Khan continues, “We have been mobilizing Coca-Cola employee volunteers to work with the community on clean-up activities, and are partnering with NGOs on various recycling activities to raise awareness on this critical issue and make a positive impact. As we continue expanding our programs and efforts, we see the biggest opportunity to make a long-term difference as working together across sectors – industry, government, NGOs and the public – who share our vision of a Myanmar free from plastic pollution.”

Commissioned by Coca-Cola, the Gone Adventurin’ report details the current packaging collection and recycling infrastructure and material flows of PET and aluminum in Yangon and Mandalay and shows that PET bottle and aluminum collection rates are some of the highest in Southeast Asia (Yangon collects 74 percent of its post-consumer plastic PET bottles and 86 percent of its aluminum cans, and Mandalay 83 percent of bottles and 91 percent of cans). The study also indicates that only 13 percent of households reportedly segregate their waste, instead mixing together food waste, recyclables and other materials. This represents a significant opportunity to rapidly increase collection rates in the country.