Home Insider Insider News State Counsellor Receives New UN Envoy

State Counsellor Receives New UN Envoy

State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi received United Nations SecretaryGeneral’s Special Envoy to Myanmar Christine Schraner Burgener on June 13 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Nay Pyi Taw.

The State Counsellor and the Special Envoy exchanged views on cooperation between Myanmar and the office of the Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General in addressing the challenges Myanmar is facing especially including the situation in Rakhine state. They also raised the progress in the Myanmar government’s efforts in national reconciliation and peace process.

The Special Envoy stated that her mission was to liaise with the Myanmar government to enhance its cooperation with the United Nations in a constructive manner to tackle the issue of the Rakhine state, and to provide assistance in bringing the two communities closer  and in the government’s efforts in peace process.

Aung San Suu Kyi, who is also the Union Minister for Foreign Affairs, stressed the need for the Special Envoy to try to get to know the ground situation and its complexities in an objective manner and to stand up for the truth and convey the real situation to the international community.

K y aw Tin, U nio n M i nis t e r f o r International Cooperation, and Myint Thu, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs along with other officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also attended the meeting. Schraner was announced as the new representative for Myanmar on April 26 by the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres following a month-long search for a diplomat. Until the appointment, Schraner had been Switzerland’s ambassador to Germany.