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Scania Top Team National Final

OAMS (Scania) Myanmar hosted the national finale of the top team competitions in Yangon on 24th of January. A total of five teams; Success, The Great, Universe, Galaxy and team Excellent participated. The contestants were assigned as service advisors, parts specialist and ser- vice technicians in each team. The results were announced on the same day and the winning team The Great is going to the next step, the regional final in Guangzhou, China in 2015, competing against India, Indone- sia, Japan, Singapore, Thai and New Zea-

landtobequalifiedtothefinalinSodertalje, Sweden at the end of the year. The winning team was awarded a cheque of 150,000 kyats , individual Scania Diploma certifi- cates and qualification to the regional final. General Manager of Scania Myanmar Mr. Freddy Karlsson stated, “We expect to de- velop the technicians’ skills by combination of practice, teamwork and learning as well as challenges that this competition is offer- ing. The results of hosting top team com- petition will meet both the benefits for the competitors and also Scania customers by providing much better services. This may fulfil the world’s demand on skillful techni- cians by producing such ones from Myan- mar engineers and technicians.”

Scania Top Team competitions date back to 1989 when the first contest was held in Sweden and competitors were restricted to Swedish workshop teams. It was then ex- tended to Nordic and European countries and in 2013 Scania Top Team Competition, a total of 8,000 contestants from 63 countries

competed as regional rounds were held in Thailand, Brazil and Germany and the finale in Sweden. The competition is divided into four rounds, starting with Theory assign- ments and the second one, national rounds are held in more than 50 countries. For this year competition, five regional rounds will be organized from March to September and the finale is to be held in Sweden at the end of 2015.