Home Insider Interview Aiming for Twenty Millions from Two Million KBZPay Users

Aiming for Twenty Millions from Two Million KBZPay Users

Interview with: Soe Ko Ko

-General Manager of Agent Banking Department, KBZPay

Introduce yourself for our readers please.

I am Soe Ko Ko, General Manager of Agent Banking Department, KBZPay.

Explain more about KBZPay and its services.

When we talk about the main services of KBZPay and what we are currently providing, there are two parts: customer and merchant agent. In customer part, we largely provide services like normal payments and daily transactions of KBZPay, such as mobile topup, cash in, cash out, cash transfers, etc. On merchant side, we assist merchants to be able to collect money in their business transactions. For agents, they can do more than cash in, cash out transactions, they can also perform collecting money.
