The opening ceremony of the pilot project to verify the ground population census for the accuracy of the basic voter lists was held in Nay Pyi Taw during the third week of February. During the ceremony, UEC Chairman Thein Soe said the UEC would carry out the proper work procedures including inspecting the voting, the first point of the Five-point Roadmap of the State Administration Council (SAC) and makes preparations to conduct a free and fair multiparty democratic general election in accordance with the 2008 Constitution upon the accomplishing the provisions of the state of emergency.
He then highlighted the rights of every citizen to cast vote according to the Constitution, compiling the voter lists based on Form (66/6) of the Ministry of Immigration and Population, completion of work procedures in Taninthayi Region, Mon State, Ayeyawady Region and Union Territory out of 15 regions/states, including the Union Territory.
He also talked about the Pilot Project to verify the ground population census for the accuracy of the basic voter lists to be conducted by the General Administration Department under the Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Immigration and Population, issuance of citizenship scrutiny cards as per the Pankhinn project, the duties of respective ministries and departments in inspecting the accurate ground population in the wards and village-tracts and cooperation works of all government employees in serving national duties to ensure the coming multiparty democratic general election. Staff officers of the UEC office, officials of the Ministry of Immigration and Population, ward administrators, 100-house elders, 10-house elders and ward/village-tract clerks will scrutinize the population data compiled as per Form (66/6) with the ground population living in the wards/village-tracts using a computer-based system according to the lists of regions, districts and townships.