Interview with Philippe Lenain
Chief Executive Officer of Rent 2 Own
Can you tell our readers about yourself and what Rent 2 Own is?
I’m a French. I have been living in Southeast Asia for about 28 years. I’m specialized in financial industries. I have lived 11 years in Vietnam, 12 years in Cambodia and 5 years in Myanmar.
So when was your first visit to Myanmar?
It was five years ago and I came here for this Rent 2 Own project. Previously, I have started two similar companies in the same industry, Motorcycle industry, both in Vietnam. I was actually the first one to offer this service in Vietnam 12 years ago. And when I came here five years ago, it was obvious that my experience could be sort of transposed in Myanmar. I could see the conditions of development and the conditions of the market to the extent of a similar situation from Vietnam. That was why I got the idea to launch such companies that are specialized in mobility. And bringing the service to the shop of motorcycle leaders. That’s what defines our services.
How has Myanmar changed since your first arrival?
Quite a lot and better.