I got somewhat a bit shocked when I first heard the words of the wife of an officer form the visiting Navy Delegation. “You know, back in the Force, they give a special nick name to us, the commanding officers’ wives C.O.W.S. That’s what our group has been referred to at all times.”
My husband is a commanding officer-short for C.O on a naval ship. Therefore, it automatically follows that I am a C.O.W. So are all those ladies who happen to be the wives of the various commanding officers on board naval ships as well as those officers assuming commanding duties and responsibilities in multiples of posts at naval bases. All would be regarded as C.O.W.S. (Commanding officers’ wives)
No need to feel indignant to be named a C.O.W. For our basically agricultural society, cows are very valuable and useful: in fact a great help particularly in rural areas where traditional farming methods are still being continued.
Ok, let’s assume ourselves as ‘cows’ and prove our worthiness to our families and to the various units we belong to by “doing good, sharing good and delivering good. “Somewhere, somebody has said, “Behind a great man, there is a great woman”. Whether you have taken up a professional job performing a dual role at work and at home or opted to stat at home as a com plete housewife, just commit yourself to contribute your utmost in your position as a COW. Consistent efforts and dedications – that’s all you need. You can make a difference. It’s up to you!
Sooner or later, your husband will have to take the lead in a unit, large or small, with subordinates and their respective families under his wing. Your husband as the unit leader has to lead his men, fostering team spirit and taking in everyone as a member of a big family, bound together with strong ties of relationship while he and his men are busy carrying out the manifold tasks on the front in their attempt to get their unit strong, cohesive, and ready for action, you can, from behind, render meaningful contributions to the welfare of the whole families of the render mean unit.
Of course, the ‘family’ has always been “the heart and soul” not only of the forces but also of big companies in the business world. A strong united family, undoubtedly, paves the way for future growth and success. You should be proud that you are taking an active part, playing a significant role in building your unit to get to that tage.
In fact any kind of assistance and support to reach out to the families would definitely make a difference in the life of the members of your group. Close and regular supervision, proper guidance and a few soft words here and there, sincerely offered, by the senior member can go a long way in strengthening the existing friendly ties and also in boosting up the high morale among all families in the unit. Your dedications towards the betterment in their life and their welfare will certainly bring about closer contact with the wives and children of those under your husband, thereby increasing the chances for knitting them all into a big happy family.
As Buddhists, we believe in the reciprocal nature of love and affection. Your sincere care and concern for their interest and welfare, consistently proved through your actions towards their progress and improvements, can produce surprising out comes in your community. As a consequence too, the men tend to give a better account of themselves in all dimensions. Their royalty and faithfulness, their obedience and their willing participation will have a great impact on the environment they are working in, which will all help your husband’s job to enchance as the leader of the unit.
The core of your welfare efforts should aim at empowering the women folk, the majority of whom may come from a rural back ground with little or no outside knowledge and awareness on such important issues like health and education. This being so, the crucial step will be to impart knowledge and raise their awareness with regard to certain life skills and health matters. Awareness raising strategies need to be thought of and properly organized frequently on a variety of topics … on health, clean environment, culture, patriotism, so on and so forth. Educative talks, round table discussions, pamphlets distribution are the common techniques to provide correct information and the ‘dos and don’ts’ on the specific topics. Especially these days, with the high risks connected with trafficking-in-person, child-rape and sexual assault, domestic violence, these issues pose as important topics to talk about, at the same time, not neglecting how to protect and prepare against natural disasters that tend to threaten us with more frequency.
Human nature is such that there usually remains a wide gap between a person’s becoming aware of certain harmful practices and the practical change in his attitude or behavior in line with the newly acquired knowledge and awareness. That definitely calls for close supervision, encouragement and the right pust on your part to effectuate the desired behavioral and life style changes among the family members.
Some welfare programs like preschool and daycare centre, small loans, financial and other assistance to school children, a library with easy access to all, a nutrition centre focusing on the growth and monitoring children under the age of five, etc.etc,…..are very common and may have already been in existence in the unit. You can deliver good by your services to initiate, reinforce or continue those beneficial activities for all. Adult literacy program seems to be a long shot but if it is possible in terms of time, funds and human resource, that too should get a go, together with 3-R course, small reading circles to speed up their reading skill. As is normal with any force or unit, transfers and promotion and new postings cannot be avoided, with new members joining the unit, calling for your attention and specifications needed to be arranged.
Women as key persons play pivotal roles in their respective families so their health care and education pose as the critical issue that requires great consideration.
In the absence of a maternity home and clinic in the unit, it should be ensured for every pregnant woman to get systematic AN care embodying both safe delivery and safe motherhood. Despite high advances in science and technology that led to unprecedented improvements in the medical field, it is not uncommon for complications to set in anytime in the course of child delivery. Therefore it is of paramount importance to prepare in advance for safe and quick referral of such cases to the nearest hospital.
Last not least on your agenda must be economically empowering women in your community, which can eventually serve a great purpose in improving their quality of life. Vocational training courses can be frequently arranged to provide certain skills appropriate to your region… Like sewing, knitting, basket or matweaving etc. etc. By promoting the necessary skills of women in your unit and subsequently helping them to get the ball start rolling, you are making them more self-confident and capable in their extra-income generation effort. Another option is to provide micro credit loans with little or no interest but with minimal monthly repayment scheme to help those who lack the initial capital to get a start in the family business of agriculture, livestock breeding or whatever. These two main women empowerment programs significantly promote the well being and the standard of living of the families.
These are only a few means by which you can make a difference in your community and indirectly assist your man to succeed as the head of his unit. You are delivering good and serving for a meaningful cause. You are a great asset to him and to his unit. You should be proud of yourself and take pride in your contributions!
After all, we are golden “C.O.W.S”.