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‘Gaining the Integrated Marketing Edge’ Workshop Held

In collaboration with The British Chamber of Commerce Workshop, the MultiVerse Advertising company held an exclusive workshop, ‘The British Chamber of Commerce Workshop with MultiVerse Advertising: Gaining the Integrated Marketing Edge’ on February 16th at the Hintha Business Centre. The set theme of the workshop was how to break old habits and adopt the latest and most innovative techniques. Integrated Marketing translates to a brand experience by bringing together marketing components that have previously been considered separate functions — advertising, events, PR, social media, etc. The workshop is aimed at boosting creative strategy in Myanmar by introducing fresh concepts and new ways of thinking about marketing from a variety of angles, and will leverage a multimedia approach to learn, including engaging videos that help attendees visualise new concepts and interactive hand-on activities that give attendees practical integrated marketing skills. Thomas Hayward, Founder and Executive Creative Director, MultiVerse Advertising said “Integrated marketing gets companies out of the old, less-effective marketing routines and enables them to deliver brand messages across the right channels to the right audiences with maximum impact. There’s a very diverse choice of tools and techniques that companies can leverage, so much so that it can be difficult to decide which ones are going to most effectively accomplish your company’s objectives. Our goal is to make sure that everyone comes away from this workshop not only with a vision, but with the ability to immediately put Integrated Marketing into practice at their company, and quickly see its benefits.”

Throughout his more than three-decade career, Hayward has worked for world-renowned brands such as Apple, Bellagio, American Express and Victoria’s Secret, as well as Myanmar’s most innovative companies such as Carlsberg, OPPO and more.

Yangon-based MultiVerse Advertising is an marketing agency specialising in branding, Integrated Marketing , advertising, PR & activations, as well as website & app development with offices in Singapore, San Francisco and New York.