On 7th April 2015, French Ambas- Myanmar’s journalism development by insador His Excellency Mr. Thierry dicating the Deputy Minister of Ministry of Mathou has awarded scholarships Information attendance at the event showed to 28 trainees from Myanmar Journalism Institute (MJI) at the MJI venue and the ceremony was also attended by the Deputy Minister of Information. Scholarships were given to 28 students from both Yangon and Mandalay, arranged into four different scholarships categories ranging from US$ 50 to 770. MJI also received an additional of US$ 11,200 to cover the academic costs. At the scholarship awarding ceremony, Mr. Thierry Mathou commented on MJI Vice Chairman U Soe Myint’s speech of still having a long way to reach the goal of the positive sign in the progress of developing Journalism in Myanmar. Myanmar Journalism Institue (MJI) is currently operating with the assistance from Canal France International (CFI) as well as support from Denmark, Germany, Myanmar’s Forever Group and UNESCO.
Mr. Thierry Mathou also attended and judged the Instagreen Photo contest hosted by the French Institute on the same day and two students studying Basic and Advanced French classes were chosen and given a chance to visit Paris from July 5th to 15th.