The 10th Yangon Photo Festival has culminated with its famous Awards Night at Institut Français de Birmanie on February 24.
The best 16 photo-stories produced this year by emerging and professional photographers were screened in front of a jury composed of Myanmar and International personalities, and presided by Naw Pann Thinzar Myo, a Minister at the Yangon Region government. The laureates won Canon professional cameras and a trip to the World Press Photo Awards ceremony in Amsterdam. For the first time, two women won the 1st prize of both categories tackling subjects such as living with disabilities with Su Su Mon’s autobiographic Photostory “I am capable”, and young women joining KIA with “I Feel Safe” by Seng Mai. A 9 year-old young Kachin disabled IDP won also a prize with a self-portrait. The 2018 Yangon Photo Festival edition is also presenting more than 10 Exhibitions in Mahabandoola Park and Institut Français de Birmanie until March 4 and in Secretariat until March 11. This is the largest photo event in South-east Asia.