Home Insider Insider News Japan Establishes Five Health Clinics in Magway

Japan Establishes Five Health Clinics in Magway

April 6 – The Japanese Government, under its Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) Scheme, has alloted US$354,958 for the establishment of five sub rural health centers in Magway region.

  • (1) Ta Kaung Net Village, Mindon Township (US$71,392)
  • (2) Lay Ein Su Village, Ngaphe Township (US$70,166)
  • (3) KanPaukVillage, NgapheTownship (US$71,117)
  • (4) YaeThoung Village, Sidoktaya Township (US$71,617)
  • (5) Yaw Let Pan Village, saw Township, Magway Region (US$70,666)

The handover ceremonies of the projects took place in Mindon Township, Ngaphe Township, Sidoktaya Township and Saw Township on 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th April respectively. Hideaki HIGASHI, Second Secretary of the Embassy of Japan, Township Medical officers, committee members of the construction projects and local residents attended the events.

The Government of Japan has assisted in 774 various grass-roots projects in Myanmar under the GGP scheme since 1993: consisting of 367 education projects, 195 healthcare projects, 138 public welfare and environment projects, 38 infrastructure projects and 35 other projects. It is anticipated that these assistances will further strengthen the friendly relations between Japan and Myanmar.