Home Insider BuildTechYangon2014


The first Myanmar Building Technol- ogy Industry and Supply event took place on 22-24 May at the Myanmar Convention Centre in Yangon.

It was an essential event for any company involved in the construction industry from residential and commercial to infrastructure to attend. BuildTechYangon2014 (BTY2014) also showcased the very latest in technolo- gies and skills platforms.

Given the projected growth of the Myanmar economy, the McKinsey Global Institute es- timates some $320 billion will need to be spent on Myanmar’s infrastructure in order to facilitate economic growth. The larger share of infrastructure investment (some 60 percent) will be in residential and commer- cial real estate.

Backed by its experience of organising the successful regional event BuildTech Asia, SPHERE Exhibits had designed BTY2014 to focus on building and construction machin- ery and equipment; building and construc- tion materials; electrical and mechanical engineering; and facilities management to meet Myanmar’s needs.

Special attention, given the market, was made to precast, pre fabrication, formworks and scaffolding which are critical for build- ing projects that require quick turnaround such as affordable housing and commercial high-rise building construction.

On the opening day, the Myanmar Construc- tion Entrepreneurs Association (MCEA) and the Singapore Institute of Building Ltd (SIBL) signed a Memorandum of Under- standing (MOU) to establish a collabora- tive relationship through the exchange of industry information and knowledge. With the MOU, members of both organisations will enjoy the privilege of participating in relevant industry conferences, training and professional development seminars as well as business matching across the sector.