Pyithu Hluttaw, the lower House of Myanmar’s bicameral national-level legislature, confirmed a proposal seeking the timely promulgation of ensuing rules by Union-level organisations right after the enactment of laws on May 21.
The proposal was raised at the fifth day of the eighth regular session of the 2nd Pyithu Hluttaw (House of Representatives) on May 21. It called for the relevant Union-level government agencies to legislate the required rules in a timely manner following the establishment of laws approved by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (Assembly of the Union) and signed by the President so as to ensure the immediate execution of laws for the interests of the people.
T h e m o t i o n w a s s u b m i t t e d b y representative Tin Htwe from Waw Township constituency to the Pyithu Hluttaw session on May 15. On the May 21 session, it came to a confirmation after the Deputy Attorney-General from the Office of the Union Attorney-General gave a clarification on it subsequently the discussions of a total of eight lawmakers.
Khin Hnin Thit from Pandaung Township constituency in her discussion said that as democracy was a form of governance performed in accordance with laws, it would stage a setback to administrative processes if there was no spin-off rules in place when a law required them, making the law inactive without being able to be executed. “Not all laws necessitate the provision of rules. But certain laws need to be enforced through such by-laws as regulations, notifications, directives and procedures while some require the relevant agencies to prescribe rules in order to fulfil the purpose of the legislation of them,” said Win Myint, the Deputy Attorney-General from the Office of the Union Attorney-General.