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Panasonic Solutions Expo 2014

Panasonic Solutions Expo was held from 18th to 19th November 2014 at Sule Shangri La of Yangon, showcasing the company’s technology, Business to Customer (B2C) products and Business to Business (B2B) products. The opening ceremony on 18th of Nov was attended by U Myint Swe; Chief Minister of Yangon Re- gion, Regional Ministers as well as H.E Mr. Tateshi Higuchi, Ambassador of the Embas- sy of Japan. Mr. Junichiro Kitagawa; Man- aging Director of Panasonic Asia Pacific, Mr. Hisakazu Maeda; Chief Representative of Panasonic Asia Pacific Myanmar Branch Office and representatives from NGOs and INGOs were also present at this event. Managing Director; Mr. Junichiro Kitagawa firstly gave the opening speech and present- ed the upcoming Panasonic products to be produced in 2020. Then the congratulatory speech was given by H.E Mr. Tateshi Higu- chi, Ambassador of the Embassy of Japan. It was followed by the Chief Representa- tive; Mr. Hisakazu Maeda’s presentation on Panasonic’s coming projects by the co- operation between company and its busi- ness partners. Then, honorable attendants officially opened Panasonic Solutions Expo 2014.

The ceremony proceeded with the dona- tion of over 2,000 solar lanterns to eight non-governmental and humanitarian orga- nizations in Myanmar in order to support the development of the country’s society. It was a part of Panasonic’s Global 100 Thou- sand Solar Lantern Project which as well do- nated 5,000 lanterns to Myanmar in 2013. “Compared to other Southeast Asian coun- tries, electrification rate in Myanmar is relatively low at 49%. We received positive feedback from the recipient organizations on the utility of Solar Lanterns donated last year, such as how it has significantly helped improve working conditions in hospitals and schools. Hopefully, today’s donation will further contribute to the resolution of social challenges faced by people living in Myanmar’s rural areas,” stated Rika Fuku- da, General Manager, CSR & Citizenship Group, Groupwide Brand Communications Division, Panasonic Corporation. These so- lar lanterns were donated to eight organiza- tions namely Myanmar Red Cross Society (MRCS), Japan Heart (JH), Greater Me- kong Initiative (GMI), Saetanar, Certified NPO Birumero No Kai (Birumero), Peace Winds Japan (PWJ), Save the Children Ja- pan (SCJ) and Association for Rengein. Another section of this Expo was the dis- play of six different booths for solutions available in Myanmar. “Corporate Branding Zone” provides the visitors with Panason- ic’s milestones in Myanmar in last 50 years. “Residential Zone” showcases advanced technology used high quality “made in Ja-

pan” products. “Energy Solution Zone” is intended for areas provided with limited electricity. Communications and securi- ty solutions are provided at “Hotel Zone”. “Education Zone” displays solutions for fun learning by using interactive and coopera- tive technology and lastly, “Convenience Store Zone” exhibits Panasonic’s cold chain solution.

It was also informed that Panasonic’s show- rooms and service centers are in the process to be opened in Yangon and Mandalay in coming March of 2015 as a part of the com- pany’s business strategy. There will also be “after sale service” for business to business (B2B) products and Business to Customer (B2C) products in both showrooms. Managing Director of Panasonic Asia Pacif- ic, Mr. Junichiro Kitagawa also said that the company was aiming to become the local market’s favorite brand in Electronic sector while focusing on collaborations between business partners. The company is current- ly planning to gain the target sales amount of ten trillion Yen by the year of 2018, the 100th year since the establishment of Pana- sonic.

According to Chief Representative of Pana- sonic Asia Pacific Myanmar, Mr. Hisakaza Maeda, one of the objectives of the compa- ny is to provide citizens with a high living standard and is to support in developing the society. Panasonic is to supply customers’ needs as well as the market’s necessity espe- cially by cooperating with business partners for hotels, residents and office buildings. Panasonic Asia Pacific – Myanmar Branch was officially opened in 2013 as the coun- try was recognized as one of the region’s strategic market and having potential for independent regional management and rapid development. Panasonic Asia Pacific is providing products for South East Asia and Pacific regions, settling 45 factories in the area, headquartered in Singapore. Panasonic Corporation, one of the largest electronic manufacturers in the World, was founded in 1918 by Konosuke Matsushita as a vendor of duplex lamp sockets. Its prod- ucts, bicycle lamps firstly entered the market

by the brand name National. The company was under the name of “Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.” from 1935 to October 1, 2008 and it was then change to “Panasonic Corporation” in order to be conformed with its global brand name Panasonic.