Myanmar Information H i g h w a y ( M I H ) , premiere broadband b u s i n e s s s e r v i c e p r o v i d e r , h a s i n t r o d u c e d t h e fiber-optic Internet broadband for business with 100 Gbps network capacity, covering 23 townships and main buildings in Yangon. Sunti Medhavikul, Managing Director of Myanmar Information H i g h w a y L i m i t e d (MIH) remarks that the communication infrastructure is one of the keys to drive the businesses success in digital era. According to Internet world stat 2017, Myanmar poses the Internet penetration at 33.4 percent. While International Telecommunication Union (ITU)’s 2017 report showed that fixed broadband subscription penetration in Myanmar was at only 0.76 percent. This means most Internet users are relying on limited reliability of mobile Internet.
Yangon is the main trade, commercial and financial hub of Myanmar and a home to many international companies. MIH sees this opportunity to fulfill businesses in Yangon to be able to access faster Internet and be more connected to the world-class technology. By incorporating its 58 years of expertise in Thailand (Benchachinda Holding Group) and the latest in technology, the company aims to provide a professional service on the most stable telecom platform in Yangon.
“MIH is ready to bring our expertise and innovation to fulfill Yangon to be the economic center of Myanmar,”said Sunti. Passakorn Hongsyok, General Manager of Myanmar Information Highway Limited (MIH) explained that MIH has already secured the rights-of-way to lay down fiber-optic network from Yangon Electricity Supply Corporation (YESC) since 2017 and the approved of Yangon City Development Committee (YCDC) in 2018.
The objective of MIH is to provide broadband Internet service and data communication services, initially for corporation and residential condensed areas in Myanmar. “MIH backbone network capacity is developed to support up to 100 Gbps. MIH has become the provider that can offer the fastest Fiberoptic Internet broadband in Yangon. With global technology partners, we are ready to support leading corporates to operate effectively in Myanmar,” said Passakorn. M I H o f f e r s p r e m i u m telecom services (private communication and internet) to businesses via a stable and advanced optical fiber technology, up to 10 Gbps. For IP VPN service, MIH provides virtual private network to business customers who need private and secured services as well as round-the-clock data center solutions where the customers choose the environment they need – servers, databases, storage, Internet connection, bandwidth and rack space.
MIH’s neutral network connects with other service providers to offer the wholesale network and partnered with data centers for data links over MIH Data Center Ring and to connect with the global network via Point of Presence (PoP) in Singapore, Hong Kong and Thailand.