Myanmar keen to develop two economic corridors for Mekong region
Myanmar’s President U Thein Sein pointed out the importance of two economic corridors in southern part of Myanmar for regional development at the 5th Greater Mekong Subregion Summit held in Bangkok on 20th December 2014. The two corridors have potential in developing the Mekong Subregion as the shortest trade routes joining Pacific and Indian Oceans for the first corridor passing through Phaya Thonezu at Myanmar – Thai border while meeting the second one on 170-mile long Mawlamyine – Dawei road in southern Myanmar. The summit focused on the theme of “Committed to Inclusive and Sustainable Development in the GMS” attended by heads of Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) members and discussions covered establishing special border economic zones, developing infrastructures for trading routes and other related issues.
Myanmar to cooperate with ROK in developingvarious sectors
During 25th ASEAN-Republic of Korea (ROK) Commemorative Summit held in Busan in December, the two leaders of Myanmar and ROK engaged in a discussion for further cooperation between two countries. The talk focused on cooperation between two governments, people, parliaments and armed forces. South Korea being the sixth largest trade partner of Myanmar, the total trade between the two nations reaches US$ 1.57 billion in 2013-2014 fiscal year. Myanmar and South Korea are to celebrate the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between them in 2015.
Condominium Law to be discussed in January
After some disagreements took place between upper and lower houses, the newly drafted Condominium Law is to be submitted to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw in January 2015. According to the perspective of Amyotha Hluttaw, the Condominium Law must emphasize in collective ownership of the condominiums rather than on size and height restriction and the facilities to be included. This is the second time submission of the Condominium Law to the joint assembly of the parliaments after it has been rewritten.
France to support Myanmar with Euro 100 million
Annick Girardin, minister of State for Development and Francophonie, stated that France is giving aid of 100 million euro (US$ 124 million) for Myanmar’s rural development, environmen- tal conservation, health, culture and education. The speaker announced it during her attendance at Women’s Forum Myanmar-ASEAN held in Nay Pyi Taw and Yangon. It will include soft loans and will be made through Agence Francaise de Development. The report says that France has already supported funds for malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS programs in Myanmar.