Home Insider Insider News Four in One Myanmar International Manufacturing Industry Fair

Four in One Myanmar International Manufacturing Industry Fair

The four in one Myanmar International M a n u f a c t u r i n g I n d u s t r y F a i r will run from November 1 to 4 at Yangon Convention Center (YCC). Continuing to position itself as the international exhibition and business forum of machinery, technology, raw materials and manufacture solution for all industry in plastics, printing, packaging, agricultural, food processing, wood processing and machine tool in Myanmar, the show is bringing over 150 brands globally across manufacturing industries.

The event is organized by Yorkers Trade and Marketing Service Company, coorganized by Myanmar Plastic Industries Association (MPIA), officially support by the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI), Myanmar Forest Products Merchants Federation (MFPMF), Myanmar Printers and Publishers Association (MPPA) and Myanmar Pulp and Paper Industry Association (MPPIA). The industryacademy cooperation is believed to open a new perspectives of manufacturing development in Myanmar.