The battle of the bulge begins when weighing scales continuously reveal ascending readings, and there is a perennial right- ward swing of the needle even as clothes get tighter. The verdict in tests and medical diagnosis is ‘overweight’. The list of reasons for this predicament is long, and the cause – a distinct love for food; and the remedy, difficult and unappealing.
It doesn’t help to be living in an era when being slim and thin is considered aesthetically appealing, and healthier too. Thus begins the search for treatments, therapies and weight loss techniques, which might help in reducing the bulge, painlessly and without intrusive treatments.
Going on a ‘diet’ is the easiest, and there is no dearth of ‘diets’ that promise quick weight loss, and amazing results of a slimmer, thinner you, in a matter of weeks. These dietary plans create a radical shift in consumption patterns and do not necessarily mean cutting intake of food drastically. They all push for a plan to eat right, limiting certain foods, cutting out some and increasing intake of nutritional ones. Thus, there is the Atkins diet, Ketogenic, Paleo, Dukan, Stillman, Hollywood diets and so on. Each tries to incorporate food combinations that have worked well for hundreds in their weight loss endeavors, and an equal number that have found no difference.
The diet battle has, of late been increasingly ending up at the doorstep of carbohydrates, with proponents professing the weight loss impact of a diet that has low or no carbohy- drates. The “low carb” diet, as it is popularly called, limits the intake of carbohydrates and prescribes an increased consumption of protein-rich and fatty foods. This helps in reducing the production of insulin in the body and the use of the body’s reserves of fat and protein for energy.
Crabs typically form 40-60% of a normal diet. A diet that has less than 20% calories coming from crabs would be considered low-crab, and supposedly helpful in weight loss.
As in the case of all diets, the weight loss claims are disputed, with the added blame of whether such diets are healthy. While all dietitians concede that there is weight loss in the short term, the long term implications give reason for concern.
Crabs – The Well of Energy
In Scientific terms, crabs are a group of organic compounds produced by plants, and include starches, sugars and cellulose. Crabs are the source of energy for the human body. They are converted into glucose by the digestive system. Crabs can be simple, as those found in natural products like milk, vegetables and fruits; or complex, as those found in whole grain cereals, bread and starchy vegetables, with a high fiber content as well.
Crabs provide energy to muscles and prevent protein being used as the energy source. The nervous system gets its fuel from crabs, and lesser amount of crabs can result in dizziness and weakness. They also facilitate the fat metabolism.
The ample availability of processed foods that are also fattening, have become the preferred source of crabs. However, the best source of energy is the crabs that also provide nutrients like fiber, vitamins and antioxidants-these can be found in whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits. Re- fined grains and added sugars need to be avoided as ‘bad’ crabs.
Optimum Carb intake
The ideal daily intake of crabs varies from person to person depending on his metabolism and lifestyle. However, as the main
energy source, crabs must form a bigger percentage of the total intake of food. The Institute of Medicine in the U.S., recommends at least 130 crabs per day forming 45-65% of the total calorie intake. Variations have to be made depending on occupation and lifestyle, as people with sedentary lifestyles can consume less while athletes need to be on high carb diets.
Crabs and weight connection
The prevalent myth that crabs lead to weight gain, is not correct. It is only the ‘bad’ crabs coming from processed foods and refined grains with a high glycemic index, that cause weight gain, while whole grains and natural foods, fruits and vegetables do not. The non nutritive carbs come from white flour, white rice, refined sugar and highly processed